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2025 Info

Summer 2025 is coming soon! New season info is typically posted here late January or early February, with regitstration typically opening April 1 for returning families and new families in the weeks following. In the meantime, new families are invited to complete this brief survey link and we will be in touch once 2025 registration info is finalized on our site! https://forms.gle/jJKGA2CmPpVyMbq79
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The Woodneath Whitecaps are excited to begin our seventh season in 2024!

The Woodneath Farms Whitecaps Swim Team is a summer swim team based in the Woodneath Farms subdivision. The team has an 8-9 week season from the last week in May until the middle of July each year. We participate in six dual swim meets and one Conference Championship meet.

The Whitecaps team is for families with children aged 5-18 years. Whitecaps coaches work on teaching correct stroke technique in all four strokes, swimming skills like dives and turns, and improving endurance. The coaches also emphasize teaching the value of sportsmanship and team spirit - all in a fun and friendly environment. Swimmers compete in swim meets against other teams in the Northland Swim Conference, typically each Thursday evening during the season.

Summer league swimming runs smoothly when every family helps out. Parents are an integral part of the success of the team as the Whitecaps team is a volunteer run organization. Thank you for your support!


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The Woodneath Farms Whitecaps are part of the Northland Swim Conference.

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