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About Our Pool

From 152 near Liberty, turn North on Flintlock. Turn left on NE 90th into the Woodneath Farms neighborhood. Continue to follow NE 90th. Pool is on the left.

  • Parking has been arranged with Shoal Creek Elementary and Woodneath Library Center. Very limited parking is available at the pool itself and during meets this lot is reserved for coaches, officials, team officials, our concessions lead and those with a handicapped placard. Shoal Creek and Woodneath Library Center both offer plenty of spaces, wide sidewalks and are just a short walk from the pool.
  • Families may drop off swimmers and supplies in the yellow drop zone indicated, but may not leave their vehicle parked in order to take items into the pool. Traffic must keep moving. 
  • There shall be NO PARKING on either side of:
    • 90th Street between Flintlock and Lane.
    • Anywhere along Manning. 
      • Both of the above are main arteries for the neighborhood.
    • Parking volunteers will be on site to ensure that there is no parking along 90th and Manning. 
    • Thank you for helping us to be good neighbors to the homes near the pool!
  • Home team warm up is 4:45-5:15. Visiting warm up is from 5:15-5:45. The meets begin at 6pm.
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Find our pool

9001 Northeast 90th Street, Kansas City, MO 64157, United States Directions 39.2549285 -94.4698927 Map of 9001 Northeast 90th Street, Kansas City, MO 64157, United States
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The Woodneath Farms Whitecaps are part of the Northland Swim Conference.

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